Wednesday, June 30, 2010

English Class

Well, I began this class for a commitment. I have never enjoyed English class, and I wouldn’t want take this class, because I don’t have time and I didn’t like.
In this class I’m always feel in action, and I can speak, write y think quickly in English, but still I’m feel clumsy when I must speak, write or something quickly in English. It’s confidence problem with me. Always I have troubles spelling or diction but I know I know. It’s hard,. After, fifteen minutes ago, I don’t know if I write “fifteen” or “fiveteen” but after I was worse.

I began with fear but I met a lovely teacher. She’s funny, crazy and very nice. We (I with my classmate) even started with easy classes. We review grammatical, sang, read, spoke, all in English. We use an English text and do it.

I enjoy this experience because we do many activities. We talk, read and learn!
The pronunciation was a big problem that we had but she teach us how do it. I knew write and read so good, but talk… I was always slow…

The activities are very interesting. We use a blog and write about many themes. We write about us, about our thinks and other things. We write a lot.

I have only one big problem with this class, My teacher!!! Ahahah Was a joke xD The problem’s the hour and days. All Wednesday I’m thinking about my work for Tuesday, because I have the most important class this day -.- and always I have do something -.- and the class’s so late.

I can say that this class must have other hour in week xD because it is not enough for me. I think. If we use more English in other class, The learn wold be more easy. I need more practice. I forget a lot xD

BUT! I have to say that our teacher’s the best! I learn to much 

(please, don't kill me. The picture was take by Jesu ... with my camera and was not my idea... Really yes xD)


  1. hahaha that looks like you were stalking the teacher... but not really, it's just a funny picture. I think she was a great teacher too.

  2. jajajja paparazzi xD
    i liked the class :)
